• Section 1 - What is mindfulness
    • Session 1 - Manual
  • Session 1 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Body Scan Journal Sheet
      • Formal Practice - Body Scan Word document
    • ii) Informal Practice - Simple Awareness Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice Simple Awareness Word Document
    • Body Scan 30mins
  • Session 1 - Readings and Videos
    • Seven myths of meditation - Deepak Chopra
    • Why we find it so hard to meditate - Mindful Staff
    • The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare
    • Don’t try to be mindful - Daron Larson
    • Managing Anxiety with Mindfulness video by Rachel Green [15 min]
    • Mindfulness and the Body - Michelle Maldonado interview by Risa Morimoto
  • Section 2 - Perceptions and Creative Responding
    • Session 2 - Manual
  • Session 2 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Sitting meditation Journal Sheet
      • Formal Practice Sitting Meditation Word Document
    • ii) Informal Practice - Pleasant Events Calendar Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice Pleasant Events Word Document
    • ii) Informal Practice - Unpleasant Events Calendar Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice Unpleasant Events Word Document
    • Sitting meditation Awareness of Breath
  • Session 2 - Readings and Videos
    • The Monkey Business Illusion by Daniel Simons [2 min]
    • Joshua Bell plays a $3,000,000 violin (and almost nobody notices)
    •  How the Brain Rewires Itself - Sharon Begley
    • Mindful Meditation and the Brain - Shauna Shapiro [6 min]
    • All it takes is 10 Mindful Minutes - Andy Puddicombe [10 min]
    • Whodunnit video by Shamash Alidina [4 min]
    •  Attention, Intention, Attitude - Shauna Shapiro (16 min)
    •  The Samurai and the Fly - Hanjin Song (3 min)
    • 7 Common Mindfulness questions
      • 7 Common Mindfulness questions
  • Section 3 - Habitual Stress Reactivity
    • Session 3 - Manual
  • Session 3 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Turning towards meditation Journal Sheet
      • Formal Practice Turning Toward Word Document
    • ii) Informal Practice - Turning towards Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice Turning Towards Word Document
    • Turning Toward Difficult Emotions Meditation
    • Turning Toward Physical Pain Meditation
  • Session 3 - Readings and Videos
    • What Is Stress?
    • Harnessing the Upsides of Stress - Harvard Health Publications
    • Stress - Portrait of a Killer - Excerpt from the Robert Sapolsky National Geographic Special [7 min]
    •  STOP: A Short Mindfulness Practice - Susan Bauer-Wu [4 min]
    • When Is Stress Good for You article by Bruce McEwen
      • When is Stress Good for You
    • How to Calm the Voice Inside | Eckhart Tolle Teachings
  • Section 4 - Responding vs Reacting
    • Session 4 - Manual
  • Session 4 - Readings and Videos
    • i) Formal Practice - Awareness of thoughts meditation Journal Sheet
      • Week 4 - Formal Practice
    • ii) Informal Practice - STOP Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice STOP word document
    • Awareness of thoughts meditation 30 mins
  • Session 4 - Daily Practice
    • Responding to Emotional or Physical Pain - Dave Potter
    •  Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach
    • Pain x Resistance = Suffering - Tara Brach (8 min)
    • The Three Components of Self-Compassion - Kristin Neff [6 min]
    • The Five Myths of Self-Compassion - Kristin Neff
    • The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage - Susan David [16 min]
  • Section 5 - Mindful Communication
    • Session 5 - Manual
  • Session 5 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Loving kindness meditation Journal Sheet
      • Formal Practice Loving Kindness Word Document
    • ii) Informal Practice - Communication Calendar Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice Communication Calendar Word Document
    • 5 Stage Loving Kindness
  • Session 5 - Readings and Videos
  • Section 6 - Lifestyle Choices and Compassion
    • Session 6 - Manual
  • Session 6 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice
    • ii) Changes Journal Sheet
      • Informal Practice Changes Log Word Document
    • Open Awareness 30 mins
  • Session 6 - Readings and Videos
    • Survival of the Kindest - Paul Ekman
    • Compassionate Ethics in Difficult Times (Dalai Lama excerpt)
    • Does Mindfulness Make You More Compassionate? - Shauna Shapiro
    • Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
    • Suggestions for Daily Practice - Jon Kabat-Zinn
    • Deepening a Personal Meditation Practice - Jon Kabat-Zinn
    • Mindfulness is Not A Crystal Ball video by Susan Kaiser Greenland [2 min]
  • Meditations
    • Body scan Mindful meditation 30min
    • Awareness of Breathe 30 mins
    • Mindful Movement standing, 30min
    • Mindful Movement sitting on the floor, 30min
    • Mindful Movement, sitting in a chair, 30min
    • Turning Towards Mindful Meditation 30min
    • Meditation Awareness of thoughts 30min
    • Lake Meditation 20mins
    • Lovingkindness or Metta Meditation 30 mins
    • Mountain Meditation 20mins
    • Awareness of body, thoughts, emotions and Open awareness
  • Graduate materials (reading and viewing)
    • Why We Need to Feel Heard
    • Tough luck: accepting life’s unfairness will set you free | Holly Matthews | TEDxNewcastleCollege
    • Anger Is Your Ally: A Mindful Approach to Anger | Juna Mustad | TEDxWabashCollege
    • How Mindfulness Transforms Anger Into Compassion (and Acceptance)
    • How to do Walking Meditation with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
    • Don't Suffer More Than Needed | Buddhist Philosophy on Pain and Suffering
    • Positive mindfulness – positive transformation | Dr Itai Ivtzan | TEDxLeamingtonSpa
    • This Is Water David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech
  • Graduate meditations
    • Silent Meditation: 60 minutes. Bell rings every 5 mins.
    • Silent Meditation. 30 minutes. Bell rings every 5 mins
    • Silent Meditation. 15 mins. Bell rings every 5 mins
    • Sam Harris Guided Meditation 60 minutes (No Music)
    • Adyashanti Guided Meditation - The Art of Listening 30 mins
    • Guided Meditation - The Quiet Immensity Within
  • Resources for Educators
    • Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--Regulating Yourself and Your Classroom
    • Teaching Self-Regulation by Modeling
    • Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--The Power of Connection
    • What you need to know about Co-regulation (click on attached link to view)
      • What you need to know about Co-regulation
    • The Role of Emotion Co-Regulation in Discipline (click on attached clink to view)
      • The Role of Emotion Co-Regulation in Discipline
    • Stressed out kids? Signs and strategies
      • Stressed out kids? Signs and strategies
    • Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--The Neurosequential Model