6 week Mindfulness and Mindful Meditation course

6 week Mindfulness and Mindful Meditation course

Teaching your mind to focus and be in the present moment can be challenging. This course gives guidance on how to be mindful in your life through the practice of Mindful meditations and enquiry into possible insights that may arise as a result of your meditation practice.

Private Course
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Responsible Simone Camps
Last Update 12/01/2023
Completion Time 1 day 4 hours 30 minutes
Members 39
  • Section 1 - What is mindfulness
    • Session 1 - Manual
  • Session 1 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Body Scan Journal Sheet
    • ii) Informal Practice - Simple Awareness Journal Sheet
    • Body Scan 30mins
  • Session 1 - Readings and Videos
    • Seven myths of meditation - Deepak Chopra
    • Why we find it so hard to meditate - Mindful Staff
    • The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare
    • Don’t try to be mindful - Daron Larson
    • Managing Anxiety with Mindfulness video by Rachel Green [15 min]
    • Mindfulness and the Body - Michelle Maldonado interview by Risa Morimoto
  • Section 2 - Perceptions and Creative Responding
    • Session 2 - Manual
  • Session 2 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Sitting meditation Journal Sheet
    • ii) Informal Practice - Pleasant Events Calendar Journal Sheet
    • ii) Informal Practice - Unpleasant Events Calendar Journal Sheet
    • Sitting meditation Awareness of Breath
  • Session 2 - Readings and Videos
    • The Monkey Business Illusion by Daniel Simons [2 min]
    • Joshua Bell plays a $3,000,000 violin (and almost nobody notices)
    •  How the Brain Rewires Itself - Sharon Begley
    • Mindful Meditation and the Brain - Shauna Shapiro [6 min]
    • All it takes is 10 Mindful Minutes - Andy Puddicombe [10 min]
    • Whodunnit video by Shamash Alidina [4 min]
    •  Attention, Intention, Attitude - Shauna Shapiro (16 min)
    •  The Samurai and the Fly - Hanjin Song (3 min)
    • 7 Common Mindfulness questions
  • Section 3 - Habitual Stress Reactivity
    • Session 3 - Manual
  • Session 3 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Turning towards meditation Journal Sheet
    • ii) Informal Practice - Turning towards Journal Sheet
    • Turning Toward Difficult Emotions Meditation
    • Turning Toward Physical Pain Meditation
  • Session 3 - Readings and Videos
    • What Is Stress?
    • Harnessing the Upsides of Stress - Harvard Health Publications
    • Stress - Portrait of a Killer - Excerpt from the Robert Sapolsky National Geographic Special [7 min]
    •  STOP: A Short Mindfulness Practice - Susan Bauer-Wu [4 min]
    • When Is Stress Good for You article by Bruce McEwen
    • How to Calm the Voice Inside | Eckhart Tolle Teachings
  • Section 4 - Responding vs Reacting
    • Session 4 - Manual
  • Session 4 - Readings and Videos
    • i) Formal Practice - Awareness of thoughts meditation Journal Sheet
    • ii) Informal Practice - STOP Journal Sheet
    • Awareness of thoughts meditation 30 mins
  • Session 4 - Daily Practice
    • Responding to Emotional or Physical Pain - Dave Potter
    •  Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach
    • Pain x Resistance = Suffering - Tara Brach (8 min)
    • The Three Components of Self-Compassion - Kristin Neff [6 min]
    • The Five Myths of Self-Compassion - Kristin Neff
    • The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage - Susan David [16 min]
  • Section 5 - Mindful Communication
    • Session 5 - Manual
  • Session 5 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice - Loving kindness meditation Journal Sheet
    • ii) Informal Practice - Communication Calendar Journal Sheet
    • 5 Stage Loving Kindness
  • Session 5 - Readings and Videos
    • The Sacred Art of Listening - Tara Brach
    • Deep Listening video by Frank Ostaseski [3 min]
    • Art of Being Heard - Susan Piver [8 min]
    • Preview
    • The Most Frequently Asked Question - Sylvia Boorstein
    • Conflict Management Styles - summary of communication styles
    • Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication
  • Section 6 - Lifestyle Choices and Compassion
    • Session 6 - Manual
  • Session 6 - Daily Practice
    • i) Formal Practice
    • ii) Changes Journal Sheet
    • Open Awareness 30 mins
  • Session 6 - Readings and Videos
    • Survival of the Kindest - Paul Ekman
    • Compassionate Ethics in Difficult Times (Dalai Lama excerpt)
    • Does Mindfulness Make You More Compassionate? - Shauna Shapiro
    • Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
    • Suggestions for Daily Practice - Jon Kabat-Zinn
    • Deepening a Personal Meditation Practice - Jon Kabat-Zinn
    • Mindfulness is Not A Crystal Ball video by Susan Kaiser Greenland [2 min]
  • Meditations
    • Body scan Mindful meditation 30min
    • Awareness of Breathe 30 mins
    • Mindful Movement standing, 30min
    • Mindful Movement sitting on the floor, 30min
    • Mindful Movement, sitting in a chair, 30min
    • Turning Towards Mindful Meditation 30min
    • Meditation Awareness of thoughts 30min
    • Lake Meditation 20mins
    • Lovingkindness or Metta Meditation 30 mins
    • Mountain Meditation 20mins
    • Awareness of body, thoughts, emotions and Open awareness
  • Graduate materials (reading and viewing)
    • Why We Need to Feel Heard
    • Tough luck: accepting life’s unfairness will set you free | Holly Matthews | TEDxNewcastleCollege
    • Anger Is Your Ally: A Mindful Approach to Anger | Juna Mustad | TEDxWabashCollege
    • How Mindfulness Transforms Anger Into Compassion (and Acceptance)
    • How to do Walking Meditation with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
    • Don't Suffer More Than Needed | Buddhist Philosophy on Pain and Suffering
    • Positive mindfulness – positive transformation | Dr Itai Ivtzan | TEDxLeamingtonSpa
    • This Is Water David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech
  • Graduate meditations
    • Silent Meditation: 60 minutes. Bell rings every 5 mins.
    • Silent Meditation. 30 minutes. Bell rings every 5 mins
    • Silent Meditation. 15 mins. Bell rings every 5 mins
    • Sam Harris Guided Meditation 60 minutes (No Music)
    • Adyashanti Guided Meditation - The Art of Listening 30 mins
    • Guided Meditation - The Quiet Immensity Within
  • Resources for Educators
    • Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--Regulating Yourself and Your Classroom
    • Teaching Self-Regulation by Modeling
    • Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--The Power of Connection
    • What you need to know about Co-regulation (click on attached link to view)
    • The Role of Emotion Co-Regulation in Discipline (click on attached clink to view)
    • Stressed out kids? Signs and strategies
    • Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--The Neurosequential Model