

This community is for all who have questions or comments relating to their experiences with mindfulness in their lives and 
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How to master "listening"

Kerri Ann Camacho

How does one remember to use the listening technique and get oneself out of the way?

1 Comment
Simone Camps

I forgot to add. In order to get myself out of the way. I try to be as curious as possible as to what the person is saying by listening with curiousity and intent to really listen to what they are saying you will be focusing on what they are saying and not on what you want to say.

1 Answer
Simone Camps
Best Answer

 I choose one person who I want to practice it with and use simple awareness or the STOP technique to remind me.  I have found that when you practice it, it quickly becomes a habit.  But I have also found that it only becomes the habit with that person.  So to practice with everyone you need to keep choosing a different person to work on.  I suspect that once you get it going with a couple of different people that it will soon become an internal habit that you use all the time.  As with everything - practice makes perfect. This of course is my way of doing it.  Everyone will have their own technique of reminding themselves.  It is always easier to remind yourself when you don't have too much going on.  So maybe start the practice at times when you are in more relaxed conversations.  What I do is start the morning with the thought that today I will practice mindful listening.  It disappears during the day but because I put it in my head it pops back in at some point.  When it does then I use STOP and begin listening properly.  
